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Hello!                                                                                                                                                    8/2015

        When I first started this website, my intention was to raise money for a 6 week missions internship to Haiti through an organization called Kids Alive.  Now, I am on the other side of that internship, and I would love nothing more than to share with you my incredible time with the people that became my family and the country that became my home.  I spent most of my six weeks teaching English, translating letters from Creole to English or vice versa, and co-leading a Bible study for high school girls within the Kids Alive compound.  When I wasn’t teaching, translating, or leading Bible Study, I was simply living life with the kids.  We could sit contentedly for hours doing nothing but listening to music, talking, and laughing.  Some of my favorite moments were just talking to one of the older kids, listening to the kids’ hilarious stories, laughing until my side hurt, or simply sitting and enjoying the company of people I love. 

        I am still amazed by the way that God filled my heart with love for each of the kids within the Kids Alive compound.  They all hold a special place in my heart, and sometimes I think that they stole my heart altogether.   In their faces I see beautiful pictures of God’s redemption.  When I see their smiles that radiate a deep joy that defies circumstances, when I see the strength in their eyes that far exceeds

What a beautiful picture of the way he saves us, refusing to leave us as orphans, but rather lavishing us with love and adopting us to be his very own children and to live hope-filled lives. 

their years, when I feel their love that is unconditional and freely given, it’s hard to picture the unimaginable situations they have endured.  To think that God has taken them from hopeless places and filled them with more life and joy than I have ever seen is only more of a testament to his redeeming power and his abundant love for his children.  What a beautiful picture of the way he saves us, refusing to leave us as orphans, but rather lavishing us with love and adopting us to be his very own children and to live hope-filled lives.  He is truly a good Father, worthy of our adoration and our entire lives.

        Leaving Haiti has been one of the most challenging and heartbreaking things I've endured.  Each day my heart aches to be with them again.  I praise God daily for allowing me to hold them in my heart and love them for six short weeks.  I praise him for flooding me with his love through those children.  And as one of the older girls wrote in a letter to me, I pray to God that He makes the days pass quickly so I can see them again.  

        So now that I am no longer raising money for a trip to Haiti, the majority of my profits will go to sponsoring just a couple of children from the Kids Alive compound that especially stole my heart.  Thank you for following my Haiti journey and supporting the kids I love.  For more information on Kids Alive or to find out more about sponsoring a child yourself, visit   Thanks again, much love! :)

Hi, my name is Grace Lee.                                                 3/2015

     Thanks for visiting my website!  I'm currently a student at Baylor University.  I started this website to raise money for my upcoming trip to Haiti.  I believe that God gives everyone certain gifts and abilities that are to be used for his glory and his glory alone.  Recently, I have discovered that he has allowed me to have a love for calligraphy and art, that I hope that I can use this gift both to proclaim the truth of His Word on canvas, and also to enable me to travel across the world with his gospel message.  

     So I hope that you enjoy perusing my latest creations.  Please email me if you are interested in purchasing anything, but if anything, please be encouraged by the words found on these canvases and know they are truths that are as applicable now as they were when they were first written.  In Christ, Grace 

"Let us hold unswervingly to the hope that we profess, for He who promised is faithful."
Hebrews 10:23

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